Saturday, December 30, 2017

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!

Welcome 2018!!!

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Winter Break 2017

To All Educators, Teachers, Students, Parents, Administrators, and stakeholders in  education, MRCR Education would like to wish each and every one of you a Wonderful Winter Break.  Thank you for following on Twitter ( @mrcreducation ) visiting and viewing our posts ( MRCR Education Blog ) and being an education advocate for all who are willing to learn.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

December 2017

The final month of the year is here!
The arrival of December marks the end of 2017.
Educators prepare the last student lessons of the year as the winter break approaches.
December is the last chance that for students to end the year with a positive learning drive and to recharge the desire to continue to study for when they return next year.
Teachers and administrators take stock and reflect on all that has been accomplish in the classroom and at school while looking and planning ahead for what remains to achieve in the upcoming year.

We are at the most significant transition point in time of the academic school year where many changes and transformation can still take place, if we want to achieve the goals set at the beginning of the school year.
The journey that students, teachers, parents, administrators, and all school and education stakeholders have embarked upon has reached its unofficial midpoint.
As the countdown of the year approaches, it would be good to take time to reflect and focus on some key core principles that will aid in the development of education:

-Look back at what has been accomplished since the beginning of the year.

-What are the educational goals that were set, and how are they becoming a reality?

-Reflect on those memorable lessons and class projects. What made them become so?

-What relationships have we develop with classmates and staff to help us grow?

-How have we collaborated with others and can we do more to reach out and support them even further? 

-What is our educational vision for when we return to school after winter break?

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

November 2017

MRCR Education wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.

May each of you enjoy some well deserved time with friends, family, and loved ones, in addition to a nice Fall break from your educational duties.

During this time off, it would be good for educators to take a brief inventory of where we are in our classrooms, with our lessons, our students and parents.  To begin preparations for when we return from the Fall break and our minds get set on end of the year activities and the upcoming Winter Break.

There is much time left in 2017 to do some learning and assessing, and once again make any corrections and adjustments to our journey through the 2017-18 school year.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Monday, October 2, 2017

October 2017

October arrives bringing changing winds as varied as the changes in the colors of the foliage of the autumn fall.

October is harvest time.  We take time to celebrate these festivities.  We also begin to prepare for the winter cold.

In California education the results of the latest CAASPP results are being reviewed and analyzed to better help our students continue to develop those 21st century skills that are needed to succeed in both college and career.  A roadmap, that will help English learners in their path to language proficiency, begins to take shape.  We prepare for possible emergencies by taking part in practice drills like the Great California ShakeOut.

October is a great time to transition into a different gear and make course corrections & adjustments as students, teachers, parents, administrators, and staff continue to drive further into the school year.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September 2017

School is back in session again following the Labor Day holiday.

The first full month of education brings with it Back to School Night, Hispanic Heritage Month, CAASPP Results, and a pause to honor, remember, and give our respects on September 11.

By now: Classrooms should be arranged, Teachers should have established their daily rituals, and Students should be settling into their day to day routine.  In addition, there is much learning that has been going on too in these first few days we have been together.

It is also a good time for teachers and students alike to make sure that everyone is still riding that Back to School wave of positive energy before its momentum fades away as waves tend to do.  

There is much work to do, and though school has just started, if we do not establish good practices early on, before we know it it will be fall break, followed by winter break, and then 2018 and then another year will be over.

Let's all together set course towards the same heading and support each other so that we may reach our educational goals and grow a bit along the way.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Monday, August 21, 2017

The Great Solar Eclipse of 2017

Hope that everyone gets a chance to enjoy The Great Solar Eclipse of 2017!!!

What a great opportunity to learn, study, and teach about Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and, of course, Mathematics.  #STEAM #Eclipse2017

Have a safe and fun viewing wherever you are!

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

August 2017

Students get ready to head back to school.
Gone are June and July.

August now leads to a brand new school year.

Welcome back to the start of the 2017-18 school year!!!

To make things even more exciting, students will be fortunate enough to start school with a Solar Eclipse!

Right of the bat, educators are presented with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to start the school year.  A chance to reach across cultures and traditions from the beginnings of human civilization, and study every strand in STEAM, through this cosmic phenomena.

A way to reach out to the parents and family friends of students for involvement and participation in the educational process for this year.

California also awaits the release to the public of the 2017 CAASPP results.  The state's third year assessment should provide educators a clearer, more accurate view, of student progress and performance, as schools continue to work on preparing a leading workforce for the 21st century and beyond.

I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone: Students, Teachers, Parents, Principals, Support Staff, and all who make education a priority, an amazing and wonderful 2017-18 school year!

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

2016 Better Together: California Teachers Summit - A Look Back

Welcome Banner

Welcome Banner
As we get ready to attend the "Better Together: California Teachers Summit" this Friday, here's a look back at some images from last year's event at California State University East Bay site.

Welcome Banner

Directions to Sessions

Pre-Summit Breakfast

Teachers Getting Together

Sharing Thoughts


The Stage Is Set...

Let's Go!!!

For more information visit and follow on Twitter @CATeacherSummit with the hastag #CATeachersSummit.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Monday, July 24, 2017

Preparing for a New School Year

A new school year looms over the horizon.
There's growling from the crowd as they read that sentence.
Growling from students, parents, teachers, 
and others who ask:

Why remind us of such things? 
We are still in mid-July. 
Let's enjoy Summer a bit more."

And I join with the chorus of growlers, but it's inevitable.
We must begin to prepare for the new school year.

There are those who have been getting prepared all along,
There are those who will procrastinate and pull it through,
There are many of us who end up doing both: 
Procrastinate & Prepare.
Time lines and schedules are set with reminders:

"By the end of June, this."
"By the end of July, that."
"By August, ...
the night before, ...
the first day of, ...
by back to school..."

We envision a path,
We develop a roadmap,
We calculate and budget supplies,
We enjoy one last Summer sunrise and sunset.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

July 2017

Have A Wonderful 4th of July Weekend!!!

Be Safe.  Have Fun.  Enjoy.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

How To Avoid The Summer Education Gap

It is almost inevitable.
Students are dismissed on the last day of school,
with the hope that they will continue their educational development,
yet when students return from their Summer break,
there is no continuity of education.
In place of a continued education development,
a gap has began to form over the Summer,
that, with every back-to-school season,
must be bridged over and filled.

Students can avoid caving into the Summer Education Gap (SEG) by doing activities which can help prevent, and even develop, those education skills that will be so fundamental to student success in the upcoming school year.

Be aware of your surroundings and study how you, and others, interact with them on a day to day basis.  A scientist is always making observations and connecting those observations to other knowledge, experiences, and the reactions that are anticipated.  Observe the effect of your interactions with others and how others react to your interactions with them.  Make adjustments between different situations and analyze how those adjustments affect the results.

The primary source of gathering information is reading.  Reading is tactile (Hold a book, tablet, paper), is auditory (Reading out loud to ourselves, with others), is visual (We see the images, give form to abstract ideas).  Visit your local library and borrow some books, browse the various sections, download a reading app on your device and add reading material that is of interest to you. Read, read, and then read some more.

Create a record of events throughout the Summer.  Write a daily diary or create a personal blog.  Writing helps with organization and structural development of thought.  It can also add clarity to what may have looked like a chaotic sequence of events that take place over a period of time.  Writing is a great educational skill to develop and maintain as it can be referenced at a later time.

The brain is always active, even when we are day-dreaming.  It is actually during this state that the brain is at is most active though we may not be aware of it.  Neurons connecting to relays sending electrical pulses, demanding oxygen rich blood and sugars for energy.  Activate the various parts of the brain taking on tasks that demand different mental magnitude.

Set your own standards and assess how you do in meeting them.  What do you do if you do not meet such standards?  What prevents you from meeting or exceeding the standards you set?  What adjustments can you make to become more efficient at reaching such standards?  Set measurable goals at various timed intervals (ie. By the end of the day I should have accomplish... By the end of the week I should have accomplish...  By the end of Summer I should have accomplish...)

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Friday, June 2, 2017

June 2017

Alas! June has arrived.

A journey that began in the late days of August,
comes to a conclusion in the early days of June.

It is time for the class of 2017 to be recognized.

Their journey,
one that began at the turn of the 3rd Millennia,
now forges ahead into the 21st Century.

To all the graduates of the class of 2017,

Rejoice in your achievements,
Reflect on your accomplishments,
Remember where you began,
Reminisce those memories you've made,
Recalculate the route ahead of you new journey.

Reach out to one another,
as classmates,
and friends,
until the end.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Summer 2017

We are counting down the hours
towards the last school holiday
and the unofficial start of Summer
Memorial Day Weekend 2017

Memorial Day presents us with the opportunity to cement our summer plans in the warm sandy beach of the ocean, or the cold granite side of a mountain.

Summer School.
Summer Camp.
Summer Vacation.
Summer Getaway.

Whatever plan is developed, and chosen, the opportunities: to learn, to study, to teach, to educate, to assess, will always be present before us.  Get ready to go out and execute those summer plans... improve them along the way, make them your own, make them part of your growth.

Here's to you Class of 2017!!!

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Teacher's Day 2017

To all Teacher's 

who take students by the hand 

and guide them 

throughout their education.

Thank You Teachers!!!

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May 2017

May, first and foremost, is about Mom.
May is about wishing and celebrating a Happy Mother's Day.
May's main hashtag is, and should be, #HappyMothersDay.

But there are also many more events that are set throughout the month of May:
May 1st (May Day) - #MayDay
May 4th (May the 4th) - #MayTheForceBeWithYou
May 5th (5 de Mayo) - #CincoDeMayo
May 14th (Mother's Day) - #MothersDay
May 20th (Armed Forced Day) - #ArmedForcesDay
May 29th (Memorial Day) - #MemorialDay

May is the last full month of Spring, and as it nears its end, the unofficial Summer Kickoff takes place.

Graduation ceremonies are in the planning and final phase as the Class of 2017 gets ready to take part in the highest honor that can be awarded in education: To Become a Graduate.

The long and arduous journey upon which students, teachers, parents, administrators, and all education supporters, and stakeholders, embarked on way back in late August of 2016 is about to reach is culmination.

MRCR Education would like to say to all involved "Thank You".
"Thank You" for all you have done to make education a success.
"Thank You" for all you continue to do each day.
"Thank You" for all you will continue to do to further education.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

April 2017

Alas, we have reached the end of April.
We stand, no longer months, but weeks away from the conclusion of the 2016-17 school year.

The final lap of education takes place in the month of May,
and students, parents, teachers, and administrators prepare to take their final pit stop, to ensure that the engines of learning are running smooth, that everyone enters this final lap on four good tires, that there is nothing that can obstruct the view through the windshield, that there is nothing that can clog the air flow to the engine.

Assessments are taking place to measure the growth done throughout this past year.
Awards and recognition are being taken into consideration for those who met or exceeded set criteria.
Summer plans are in the works for the near future while awaiting for the final rush of adrenaline that the last weeks of school bring forth.
There was much change that we have gone through during this year.
Some has brought us closer,
some may have driven us apart,
but we have all been through it together,
regardless of good or bad weather.

To the class of 2017,
may your sails catch that forward wind,
that will continue to drive you towards your goals.
And may you wear you caps and gowns with pride,
as you have much to celebrate in the upcoming graduations.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Spring Break 2017

It is almost Spring Break at school, but before we all check out for a well deserved few days of rest and recreation, let's take a look back at what has been accomplished thus far this year, and look at what is yet to be accomplished in the weeks ahead, until we reach that end-of-the-year ceremony (no, not prom) graduation.

Two thirds of the school year is over.  The plans that teachers developed last summer, long ago, have by now been repealed, replaced, recycled, adapted and re-adopted to meet the learning needs of the students in the classrooms.  Students have endured a long winter where friendships have formed over many rainy day indoor recesses, classroom field-trips and activities, lab partners and  group work.

The final third of the year begins with Spring break and ends in celebration for those who achieve that final goal of education, graduation, when we honor students hard work and perseverance as they set forth to meet new challenges that will guide them to higher education and a career in their profession.

To all educators, students, parents, teachers, administrators...

Have a Safe and Wonderful


Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

March 2017

We are now in the middle of March and spring time is upon us.

By now we have adjusted out clocks to Daylight Savings time as we Spring forward towards the few final months of the school year.

As educators we try to avoid becoming as mad as the March Hare as students begin to feel that summer is getting near.

We take a day to honor "our" Irish heritage by wearing green and sporting shamrocks and trinkets that add to the festivities of St. Patrick's Day.

College basketball fans fill and check their brackets as the many tournaments take place.

Soon, there will be baseball fans that go "root-root-root for the home team", as teams wrap up their Spring training and get set for the season.

March marches on and we go along with it as we dig deep down for that last stretch of education that leads to graduation, promotion, and placement into classes for the next year.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A Winter Lesson for Education

The last few days of Winter are upon us.
Gone will be the days with long nights and little daylight.
Soon the sun will go back to its highest place in the sky.

Here in California,
If there is one word to describe this past February,
Precipitation would do the job.
In both forms: Rain and Snow.

The snow accumulated in the mountain tops.
The rain made the grounds became saturated.
Excess water flowing into the smallest creeks and streams,
Filling up rivers and canals, lakes and reservoirs,
In some cases a little too much to soon,
Causing us to make important decisions,
Based on the need for safety and security.
Bringing to light forgotten problems,
In need of new solutions.

So it is with education.
Education is the precipitation that students learn,
Its two forms are skills and knowledge.
Two great decision making tools to have.
Two great problem solving tools to use.

So learn, study, and develop your education,
And increase the storage capacities,
And clear the drainage passageways,
And decide how to solve those problems,
In the best and brightest possible way.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

February 2017

We have crossed the midpoint of the most condensed month in the school year.

Super Bowl, Lunar New Year, Valentine's Day, President's Day Weekend, a dedication to the contributions of African Americans, and many other events and recognitions that take place in this the month that every four years fluctuates between 28 and 29 days in length.

Educators prepare to enter the final phase, in the stretch that will be March, to prepare students as they get ready to demonstrate their skills and knowledge as measured by state standards.

We begin to phase out of winter and into spring.

Educators begin to look for spring blossoms.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Standards vs Materials


A recent School Board meeting thinking about the process by which classroom materials are adopted and came up with the following overview:

Step 1 - Education Standards Set.

Step 2 - Ed. Material is created based on Ed. Standards.

Step 3 - LEA's look for Ed. Material that is aligned with Ed. Standards.

Step 4 - Teachers are trained on the Material.

Step 5 - Material is tried in classrooms for evaluation.

Step 6 - Material is displayed for the public to review.

Step 7 - Material is selected for adoption.

Step 8 - Material is adopted, purchased, and implemented in classrooms.

Step 9 - New Education Standards are created.

(Back to Step 1)

Now, there are many steps that are part of the education material adoption process that I have not included, but these nine steps represent an overall picture of the process and raises the following questions:

1 - For how long are the materials effective before they become obsolete?

2 - How can material providers collaborate with policy makers and educators when new standards are needed?

3 - Should the adoption of future education standards be concurrent with the production of new education material that is aligned with these new standards?

I leave this here open for thought and discussion, looking forward to your comments and responses.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Educational Bridges

"The Golden Gate Bridge"
(Photograph used with permission from the author)

What are "Educational Bridges"?

A bridge is a connecting structure that can be utilized to facilitate transportation from one area to another.

In education there are many bridges that exist, in fact, education itself is a bridge.

Education is a bridge that connects those who are seeking to become educated with the expertise of those who are educated and the resources that helped them achieve such knowledge and skills.

Education is rather vast and there are many areas in it, some which can be completely isolated, that can be explored by those who are seeking knowledge, and one way to reach these areas is by building and creating Educational Bridges.

Educational Bridges also include many of the experiences that a person goes through as they obtain an education.  In many cases these bridges lead to a better understanding of the subject and clarity of thought, but sometimes the bridge may truly lead to nowhere and those who travel on it may come to a point where they may have to turn back around before it is too late.

As it is the case in all engineering marvels, such as the Golden Gate Bridge (pictured above), maintenance is of the utmost importance for as long as such structures are to be used in order to ensure safety and security.  If an Educational Bridge is not maintained by those who design, create, and build them, then the safety and security of the students crossing them will be jeopardized.  Trust and confidence will suffer, and in a worse case scenario, the students could fall off the educational path altogether.  That is why it is important that educators do their best to maintain such bridges and be given access to the resources, materials, and tools that are needed to achieve this.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

January 2017

Manuel R. CortezRodas
Educator, MRCR Education.

We counted down around the world towards midnight on December 31st, 2016 to welcome the new year.  2017 arrived with the fanfare given to each new year celebration and we turn to it with hope and a positive outlook.  Across the US educators and students enjoyed their much deserved Winter Break, and are now in the process of getting ready to go back to school also with hope and a positive outlook.


MRCR Education has taken time during this Winter Break to look back and reflect on the goals that were set when we began the school year and how we are doing in reaching each of these goals.  MRCR Education continues to make education a priority for all and remains committed to share its experience in English Learners, STEAM, and HAST education.

English Learners

Learning English is the most important skill that newcomers face.  The acquisition of language skills and knowledge will allow students to become successful in school and as they continue on their path towards both college and career.  It will allow them to create and develop a bridge of communication between the education they have acquired thus far and that which they are currently receiving.

STEAM Education

STEAM education continues to become an integral part of the curriculum across many schools.  As we continue to embrace the idea that interconnecting disciplines leads to critical thinking and problem solving skills, STEAM will also continue to lead the way we approach teaching this methodology to our students.

HAST Education

There is no time like the present to put forth the humanities in all academic areas and levels of education.  HAST, like STEAM, allows for a new approach to achieve this while maintaining high educational standards that allow students to also develop social skills that are critical to become successful members of society such as leadership, empathy, grit, and self-discipline.

Looking Ahead

We look forward to continue to share with you our thoughts and ideas as well as welcome your views, input, and feedback.  Thank you for your continued support by visiting our website MRCR Education Site, blog MRCR Education Blog , and Twitter feed MRCR Education on Twitter.  We wish all Educators, Administrators, Teachers, Coaches, Support Staff, Students, Parents, Mentors, and all leaders and stakeholders in education a wonderful and successful 2017.  Looking forward to the class of 2017 to complete their journey in the near future.

Manuel R. CortezRodas - Educator

Copyright 2017.  MRCR Educational Consulting Firm.  All Rights Reserved.